Causes of Heating in Surveillance Wiring

1. Excessive Current: When the surveillance wiring carries a current beyond its designed capacity, resistance converts electrical energy into heat, causing the wiring to heat up. This can occur due to factors like overloaded loads, electrical equipment malfunctions, or an inadequate circuit design.2. Overloading: Connecting too many devices to the surveillance wiring, exceeding its rated load c...

Factors Influencing Surveillance Image Quality

1. Chips: Many manufacturers in the market use the same compression chip, but the quality of image compression can vary. This is due to differences in algorithms, data optimization after image compression, and how the algorithm processes the original data. In the realm of soft compression in China, the most widely used chip is Philips' 71XX series. The 71XX series offers clear images and was pr...

The Evolution of Surveillance

Before the 1960s, industries, manufacturing, and government organizations often employed security personnel, similar to uniformed law enforcement officers, to safeguard their facilities. These private security personnel were tasked with preventing criminal activities. With the onset of World War II, the number of private security personnel increased significantly. They were hired to protect fac...

Resolving Blind Spots in Surveillance Cameras

Despite the widespread adoption of security surveillance systems, incidents of theft and intrusion continue to occur. Professionals often discover that the root cause is surveillance blind spots, allowing perpetrators to go unnoticed. How can such blind spots be addressed in various environments where surveillance cameras are prone to them?The technical team at Ling Chengxin Electronics has pre...

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